Grain Crops

Delivery and payment

Delivery is carried out only on prepayment.
Delivery method: Railway wagons (covered and grain)
Payment method: cash or bank transfer


    ST RK 1046-2008 or GOST Р-52554-2006

    Class: 3-5

    Fibrin: 18-26%

    Grain-unit: 700-790 g/l

    Humidity no more than 14,0%

    Impurity no more than 2%

    Grain impurity no more than 5%


    ST RK 2119-2011 or GOST 28672-90

    Humidity no more than 14%

    Impurity no more than 2%

    Grain impurity no more than 5%


    GOST 16990-88 and GOST 19092-92

    Humidity no more than 14.5%

    Impurity no more than 2%

    Grain impurity no more than 3%

    Spoiled seeds no more than 0,3%

  • OAT

    ST RK 2120-2011 or GOST 28673-90

    Grain-unit no less than 550 g/l

    Humidity no more than 13%-15%

    Impurity no more than 2%-5%

    Grain impurity no more than 5%-15%